Born 21st March 1980 - bred by Marit Thuen

‘Dime’ had the kindest and sweetest nature and was a joy to live with, she had the loveliest temperament and was a complete 'goodie-two-shoes' - her most naughty moment was when she plucked up the courage to steal a potato crisp off the coffee table...she never did anything remotely mischievous, she was just a complete angel and so easy going.
Dime won a Best Puppy In Show at a club championship show and went on to win her 3 CCs under Kari Nylen, Christian Madsen and Mr Maurice Baker completing her title at the prestigious December championship show held by the Norwegian Kennel Club where she also won the CACIB and was BOB.
Dime was the dam of two Norwegian Champions and one CC winner. Her son, Nor Ch Freelancer Big Spender proved to be a prepotent sire putting his stamp on his children and siring several champions and multiple CC winners. Dime was 11 years old when the above photos were taken.

Dime (far right) with her breeder Marit Thuen at her first puppy show
After winning Best Puppy In Show under Jan Bergrav at the Norwegian Collie Club's show in Bergen

Dime's son (above and below) Nor Ch Freelancer Big Spender, sired by Duntiblae Ipi Tombi - 'Spender' won his CCs under Kari Nylen, Hans Lehtinen and Miss May Young (with CACIB BOB and Group 3), and was the sire of several champions and many CC winners. He was owned by Karin & Melvin Haugen
Dime's daughter Nor Ch Freelancer Different Class, sired by Lynaire All In Black - 'Victoria' won her CCs under Mr Alan Jeffries at the prestigious Oslo International show 1984, Mr Harold Spira and Kari Nylen, the latter two shows also with BOB and is pictured above after winning a further BOB with the CACIB in Stavanger in September 1988. She was owned by Siri & Roger Johnsen

Dime's son Freelancer After Me Please, sired by Duntiblae Ipi Tombi - 'Lord' won a CC under Harry de Wall with BOB and a Group 4. He was owned by Inger & Ovald Nilsen